Foster Student Resources

Our school and school district provide the same educational services to all students without regard to their home living situation. Students in foster care do not have to attend a separate school. They have the right to be in all programs that they qualify for. Students in foster care also have rights that include:

o Based on what is best for the child or youth, the child or youth can continue to attend the “school of origin” or be immediately enrolled in any public school where the student now lives. This includes any school that students who are not in foster care attend that is in the area where the child or youth now lives.
o Being given services without delay, such as transportation and meal programs.
o Other appropriate services and programs, such as programs for: gifted children; children with disabilities; English learners; career and technical education; and preschool.
o Help in school through the district’s federally funded Title I program.
o School activities for parents or guardians and family engagement.
o Participation in athletics, fine arts, or other extra-curricular activities.
o Being treated the same as students who are not in foster care by school personnel;

Your student can immediately enroll in school while education records and information are being obtained. The student may attend the school of origin, the last school attended, or the school in the attendance zone where the student is currently living.
Foster student contacts:
School Name: Whitehall K-5
School Liaison Name: Kurtis Koenig
Phone Number of Liaison: 406-287-3882
School Name: Whitehall 6-12
School Liaison Name: Jason Slater
Phone Number of Liaison: 406-287-3862
Please see additional resources and information below: